In new version:

  • Added different post types support
  • Added custom taxonomies support (new relation, works as “OR”)
  • Fixed bug with double quotes in title
  • Fixed stripping shortcodes from excerpt

I am going to update plugin page soon with new features.

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It was reported GPT 0.7 was not working with new WP 3.1.  Apparently, there were some changes in jQuery versions in WP. So I updated plugin to 0.8 to support this, and tested so it’s now working with WP 3.1.

I also added couple of convenient features people asked. First is Live Log. You can see log of all successes and failures, as if the file was taken from post body or uploaded from external server and what caused the problem. And second, you can now remove all featured images by clicking on new button “Remove all featured images”. Also thanks to Andrew, I added rawurldecode for externally hosted images to minimize problems that may occur with images which contain non-english characters in filenames.

I added a notice and I want to remind again, please, don’t forget to backup your WordPress files and database. Although this plugins saves you lots of time, if you have many posts you want to assign Featured Image to, it performs mass manipulation, by changing posts Featured Image property and uploads first images if they are externally hosted.

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New version 1.2.9 of Related Posts Thumbnails is available  for download

The following fixes were added:

  • Fixed bug – when not all categories are selected and tags only as relation, plugin now gets correct posts.
  • Optimized performance a little – instead of join query there is now a sequence of queries which is even less costly.
  • If post has no assigned Featured Image, plugin searches for image in post body.
  • No filter of image existence. This leads to faster plugin work, but leaves responsibility of images existence on users. So before, plugin checked if the assigned file, or Custom Field file existed before displaying it, if not it displayed default image. Now there is no such check. This also fixes default image problem for some configurations.
  • Added a possibility to show posts only with thumbnails. By default it is turned off, but I received requests about it so this was added as an extra option. This is possible only for themes that support Post Thumbnails feature. If this is turned on, this will add additional join to query.

There are a couple of new strings for translations:

  • “Show posts only with thumbnails”
  • “Only posts with assigned Featured Image”

Thanks for all translations!

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I just added a section to my manual about how to configure Related Posts Thumbnails plugin with Thesis theme, as this is very popular WordPress theme:

My manual is getting bigger and I hope people are not getting scared to read it 🙂

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In the new version 1.2.7 of Related Posts Thumbnails plugin there is an option to select output style. By default it will be same as in previous versions – based on blocks. You can now select the version, based on “List” and you can also turn off plugin CSS for this version completely. This is for more advanced users who wish to customize output as they desire.

Also List style produces clean output, without HTML errors, and this may be an alternative for users with complex theme design, who experienced overlapping effects with Blocks output.

In addition, the background color bug was fixed.

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Thanks again for all suggestions, the new version is now available for download with the following upgrades:

  • Improved plugin performance with high number of posts. Database request was altered and plugin performance improved. So now on my local machine for 3k posts it executed for 0.017 sec in average, compared to before 0.2 sec.
  • PHP configuration allow_url_fopen is taken into account. Some PHP configuration always returned default thumbnails, so now this option is checked.
  • Added start date to exclude old posts
  • Fixed display on pages with plugin setting for not single only.
  • Separated categories – which are displayed amoung thumbnails and on which thumbnails are displayed.
  • Random relation, for random posts display. It means you can set no relation at all to show any posts, not just with similar tags or categories.
  • Plugin is now PHP 4.3 compatible according to WordPress requirements.

Plugin home page:

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Generate Post Thumbnails plugin was improved ( and now it supports different methods of uploading externally hosted images on server depending on server configuration. Some configurations (allow_url_fopen is Off) didn’t work before and created empty images. This version should fix this. Also it supports relative paths.

Plugin home page:

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Related Posts Thumbnails was updated with the following changes:

  1. Thanks to Li-An it now has French version.
  2. Excerpts will be generated if no excerpt were defined.
  3. Developer mode. You can turn on developer mode in plugin settings. This will add some debugging info in HTML source, so I can check what’s going on if there is a problem.

Translations are very welcome. Please send them to

In the next version I am going to investigate and improve pluggin performance with high number of posts (~3k).

WordPress page:

Plugin page:

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Related Posts Thumbnails was updated and now it supports:

New version is here:

Plugin page for more information:

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I’ve just updated Generate Post Thumbnails plugin – tool for mass generation of post thumbnails for existing posts using post images. Now it supports externally hosted images.

WordPress download page:

Plugin home page:

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